Saturday 3 March 2012

Last day in Scultpture Elective.

To-day is the last day of our electives, and wow time has gone so fast.  I can't believe the six weeks are over.
I still have another days work to complete so back to sculpture and thinking about my next task.  That is to make another structure and think about how colour might impact it, or maybe how the use of a different fabric might change things, think about the underlying frame, what could change here or maybe make it more 3 d.   So what am I going to do with all of these elements.  Again I'm using fabric,  bamboo, tape and plaster.  This is what happened with them.

The fabric I used this time is black much looser in weave like muslin and for this reason the plaster seemed to adhere to it much better.  I wanted to leave the colour come through in some places, areas without the plaster.   Unlike before I don't want to cover the whole structure, I want some openness and spots where you can see into it, through it and beyond it. As before I've used thread again, this time I used a lot more of it and I kept the same colour as the fabric.  The frame has also changed in that the bamboo is more boxy on top rather than flat and 2d as it was the last time.  All of these changes however small or subtle will have an impact on how it finishes giving different results.

So now that the're finished what have I liked most about this process?  If I'm honest I'd have to say the sense of freedom I had while making them, the fact that I had no preconceived idea how they would turn out or what the end result would be, that they were experiments, evolving in themselves, letting the materials take the lead.  All of these things were great and because I haven't imposed my will on them, or made them to look like anything in particular, it had a knock on effect on how people saw them.   I had a variety of different opinions on what they were, some saw them as figurative, as ships, as sails as rigging and even as national emblems like the harp.
As the last working day draws to a close,  all that's left for me to do, is to get my sketchbooks ready for assessment.  Again as with all of my electives, this has been an enjoyable experience. The second week in sculpture has been challenging, full on,  frustrating and totally unexpected in where it has taken me.
With its end comes the most difficult task of all, picking our one chosen discipline.    I wish I didn't have to choose one over another and that it could be a combined choice because there are elements in all three electives that I love.   Who said life was easy.   Next time I blogg I'll have decided, here's hoping I'll make the right choice because there is no wriggle room, no going back!!

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