So because of these thoughts, in my next experiment I have decided to use fabric, bamboo, tape, plaster and thread.
In semester I came across the work of Tim Hawkinson and I liked the way he used materials especially as more often than not he uses things in a way you don't expect them to be used. This thought process is exciting and one I love. Diana al Hadid is the other artist I have been looking at
contextually and as suggested by Mike Canning trying to imagine what her studio might look like!
So this is what happened when I went to work with the elements I had chosen.
I used a lining fabric and because of its shiny nature there was some concern that the plaster wouldn't impregnate it. It didn't and the plaster just sat on the surface of the material. However it still set and I feel it didn't really take from the experiment as it ended up as a solid form but with lots of fluid movement in the drapery, the softness cocooned in the rigid nature of the plaster, all be it resting on top. When I looked at it thoughts of Pompeii came to mind, forms and figures caught in molten ash, preserved forever in that fashion. The other thing that strikes me is my use of the thread, why? not sure but I have brought this element through the elective, in the two sugar pieces and now into the fabric one. For now all I can say is I like the contrast between the delicate strands of thread and the the thicker folds of fabric. Maybe its the fact that they are both the same thing made of the same elements but they appear in very different forms here. What ever it is, even if I don't understand it for the moment, I wanted to use this material in the piece.
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