Saturday 21 January 2012

Friday 13th January, 2012

Hi Friends, hope everyone is feeling better now that the assessments are over.   Its been an odd week in college.   Strange having no studio work to do.   Calm before the storm I think.   Monday sees the start of Electives, my first one is Painting, so this afternoon I spent some valuable time in the library.   Grainne and Sylvia asked us to think about images that excited and inspired us during our 1st semester and to collect some of them for a pin board.     I was looking at the drawings of Henry Moore, in particular his series from the underground.    Why do I like these you may ask.   Well that's easy, while doing the life drawing classes I was very keen on a way of working that Riosin described as drawing from the inside out, looking at where the model's weight was, how she was connected to the space around her.    So when I was drawing I imagined I was making her out of wire or clay and tried to convey that in the marks I was putting on the page.   When I look at Henry Moore's drawings I get that same sense.

Below are some of my favourites.

'Woman seated in the underground' Henry Moore

The other Artist I will be putting on my pin board is Claude Heath, again another practise we employed in life drawing was blind drawing and it was something I enjoyed quite a lot.   Claude Heath's work has a lovely sense of freedom about it and yet you get the feeling that he is mapping his way around what he is drawing,  not missing anything knowing his subject intimately capturing every detail with his line.    

 Here are some examples of his work.

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