Tuesday 3 January 2012

Hi Folks, just off phone to friend Catherine, she text me to say she was melting plastic in her oven in the pursuit of a particular affect for her art and here was I at home in the kitchen melting wax on the stove and mixing it with paint.     I know Health and Safety would never let me do this in college and its probably not a great idea for home either, but I couldn't help myself.   Just had to do it.
This whole idea came when I was melting my wax stitches and looking at the traces they left behind.  At the particular time I did that, I played around with the hair dryer, acrylic paint and wax to see what would happen.    Tonight I decided to play with it again but this time I used the stove instead.    I also used different paints and inks, some with more success than others.   The down side was the smell and the aroma that filled the kitchen wouldn't win any culinary award, but a man has to do what a man has to do, you know what I mean!
Anyway below are some of the results.

These ones are all done with the hair dryer, wax and acrylic.


These were cooked on the stove with oils and wax.

Again on the stove, a recipe with acrylic.

These were done on the stove with ink, nearly had a fire with this one, note scorch marks.

I really enjoyed this experiment and I had lots of fun doing it.   However I think I should leave you with something I've often heard and always wanted to say 'Don't try this at home' or maybe anywhere else either.

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