Wednesday 4 January 2012

Hi everyone, back again, my project tonight was to experiment with food colouring, acrylic paint, spices and sugar.   Towards the end I decided to add fabric into the mix as well.  I started by making sugar syrup as you would if you were making sorbet or making sugar strands.  Then I added yellow food colouring,turmeric, and acrylic and poured it on to the page.   After swirling it about and letting it have a life of its own I added red food colouring leaving it to bleed its way into the yellow syrup.   This is what I ended up with.




At this stage the sugar syrup was getting very thick so I added more water to it to thin it out, next I poured it on to a page and added more colour to it.   Once it hits the page it starts to cool and solidify so you can kind of manipulate it.

In these ones I have kept some of the yellow and just added blue.

Again as it gets thicker I have added more water and used it thinner.

While I was playing around with these ones I forgot to take it off the heat and the syrup started to caramelise and go dark brown, it also smelled just like toffee.  Below are the darker results.  The upper part of these have that fudge colour and I have added blue,black, red food colouring and acrylic paint to the bottom.

Just as I was about to finish I wondered what would happen if I added fabric into what I had already done.    Again as in a previous project the work of Annette Messagner came to mind and I was looking at how she used netting and sheer fabrics in her work creating a veil.    I like the idea, but here I'm not using it to hide anything just to add another dimension and to see how it reacts with the wet sugar syrup.
This is what it looks like.

If you'd like to try this, its very simple, just sugar and water.    However I would would advise caution because the sugar syrup gets very very hot and can burn  skin very badly, so be careful.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Helen-last night and tonight sound like great fun in your house!! Happy New Year!
